While my role as the facilitator of Rural Empowerment Initiative (rei) will have me in two worlds, I can experience certain things in each continent.
For example weather.
Here the news will lead off with the weather. Its going to be in the high 80's today with dew points near 70!
This is news?
While in West Africa in February and March, I experienced their weather. While there isn't much variety in the news broadcasts, especially in Liberia, where basically the whole country remains off the grid from decades of fighting, it sure aint about the weather.
In fact, when you ask people "how hot is it?" Most people have no clue, do not care and just live life as usual.
They do not have ozone alerts or water sprinkling stations.
You know what they do. They don't complain. There are much bigger fish to fry so to speak. Its called survival. You see you have to do what you got to do, or you don't eat that day.
Women continue to carry large loads of material on theirs heads. Men continue to labor in the sweltering heat...if so fortunate, children walk along way to go to a school that is very under qualified.
I never knew how hot it was during my stay, other than it was really hot.
But its amazing when you don't let media tell you how it is, it doesn't seem that bad, or i guess you just put up with it and just do life.
I wish my world here in the US would pay attention to bigger fish and not make the weather headline news.
Believe me, there's much going on that could lead the news.