

Mission Statement
Rural Empowerment Initiatives (REI) mission is to collaborate in the reduction of poverty through investment in rural areas and training of local people.

Vision Statement
REI's vision is to treat every created being with dignity, respect and love. We strive to work with those most in need by empowering people to recognize their God given talents, enabling them to make the world a better place and providing them hope for the future.

Our Principles
REI believes that all people are created equal.
REI will develop small to medium businesses (SMEs) as one approach to reach those most in need by creating jobs that build the economy in rural areas.
REI's partner businesses will be led, managed and majority owned by local people.
REI will always seek a triple bottom line of economic, spiritual and social transformation.
REI seeks to build sustainable community-oriented business models.
REI's focus of support is to the economically disadvantaged.
REI will seek attractive market and growth opportunities.
REI will incubate pilot projects with capable management.
REI believes in collaboration. We seek partners whose strengths complement our own in an effort to build well-rounded projects of lasting economic value for the communities in which we work.
REI is inspired by the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, and is therefore rooted in the Christian faith.

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Scroll down and look for people and my name Rick S.

Friday, December 28, 2007

trip To Houston

January 11 , I travel to Houston to meet with Living Water International and learn more of what they do and how they could possibly assist us as we look to develop a sustainable clean water program for rural Senegal.
In March we travel to Senegal with a person from Living Water International to 'survey' the land and to investigate the current situation there.
The situation for water,especially clean water,in Senegal is lacking.
Hopefully this will be the beginning of making a difference in rural Senegal.

Christmas in the Congo

We organized and had an amazing worship day on Christmas at CI-UCBC campus. Unbelievable... people came from town and there was no space for many to get in. The hall and balcon were all overcrowded. We worshiped at a highest spiritual transcendence. We stopped at 6 pm and still people did not want to quit. The CI goal is being met: "Community training center" and "Worship center" have become reality at UCBC. Thanks for your prayers and all the support.

...from a friend on the field

Friday, December 21, 2007

GIVE LIFE---Living Water Int.

Advent Conspiracy Part 2

Monday, December 10, 2007

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Senegal Slave House's past questioned

By John Murphy
The Baltimore Sun
GOREE ISLAND, Senegal — Standing in a narrow doorway opening onto the Atlantic Ocean, tour guide Aladji Ndiaye asked a visitor to this Senegalese island's Slave House to imagine the millions of shackled Africans who stepped through it, forced onto overcrowded ships that would carry them to lives of slavery in the Americas.

"After walking through the door, it was bye-bye, Africa," says Ndiaye, pausing before solemnly pointing to the choppy waters below. "Many would try to escape. Those who did died. It was better we give ourselves to the sharks than be slaves."

This portal — called the door of no return — is one of the most powerful symbols of the Atlantic slave trade, serving as a backdrop for high-profile visits to Africa by Pope John Paul II, President Clinton and his successor, President Bush, and a destination for thousands of African Americans in search of their roots.

More than 200,000 people travel to this rocky island off the coast of Dakar each year to step inside the dark, dungeonlike holding rooms in the pink stucco Slave House and hear details of how 20 million slaves were chained and fattened for export here. Many visitors are moved to tears.

But whatever its emotional or spiritual power, Goree Island was never a major shipping point for slaves, say historians, who insist no slaves were ever sold at Slave House, no Africans ever stepped through the famous door of no return to waiting ships.

"The whole story is phony," says Philip Curtin, a retired professor of history at Johns Hopkins University who has written more than two dozen books on Atlantic slave trade and African history.

Although it functioned as a commercial center, Goree Island was never a key departure point for slaves, Curtin says. Most Africans sold into slavery in the Senegal region would have departed from thriving slave depots at the mouths of the Senegal River to the north and the Gambia River to the south, he says.

During about 400 years of the Atlantic slave trade, when an estimated 10 million Africans were taken from Africa, maybe 50,000 slaves — not 20 million as claimed by the Slave House curator — might have spent time on the island, Curtin says.

Even then, they would not have been locked in chains in the Slave House, Curtin says. Built in 1775-1778 by a wealthy merchant, it was one of the most beautiful homes on the island; it would not have been used as a warehouse for slaves other than those who might have been owned by the merchant.

Likewise, Curtin adds, the widely accepted story that the door of no return was the final departure point for millions of slaves is not true. There are too many rocks to allow boats to dock safely, he says.

Curtin's assessment is widely shared by historians, including Abdoulaye Camara, curator of the Goree Island Historical Museum, which is a 10-minute walk from the Slave House.

The Slave House, says Camara, offers a distorted account of the island's history, created with tourists in mind.

But when the respected French newspaper Le Monde published an article in 1996 refuting the island's role in the slave trade, Senegalese authorities were furious. Several years ago at an academic conference in Senegal, some Senegalese accused Curtin of "stealing their history," he says.

No one is quite sure where the Slave House got its name, but both Camara and Curtin credit Boubacar Joseph Ndiaye, the Slave House's curator since the early 1960s, with promoting it as a tourist attraction.

Ndiaye is famous in Senegal for offering thousands of visitors chilling details of the squalid conditions of the slaves' holding cells, the chains used to shackle them and their final walk through the door of no return.

"Joseph Ndiaye offers a strong, powerful, sentimental history. I am a historian. I am not allowed to be sentimental," Camara says.

That said, Camara believes Ndiaye has played an important role in offering the descendants of slaves an emotional shrine to commemorate the sacrifices of their ancestors.

"The slaves did not pour through that door. The door is a symbol. The history and memory needs to have a strong symbol," Camara says. "You either accept it or you don't accept it. It's difficult to interpret a symbol."

Some tour books have begun warning visitors about the questions surrounding the island, including Lonely Planet's West Africa guidebook, which concludes: "Goree's fabricated history boils down to an emotional manipulation by government officials and tour companies of people who come here as part of a genuine search for cultural roots."

None of the controversy appears to have diminished the island's attraction as a tourist destination. The ferry that carries visitors from Dakar to the island is regularly packed with tourists and school groups.

At the Slave House, the visitors' book is crowded with entries by tourists expressing a powerful mix of anger, sadness and hope at what they've experienced — no matter if it is fact or fiction.

"The black Africans will never forget this shameful act until kingdom come," penned a visitor from Ghana.

A little clip from the Congo

You have to forgive my novice video first one to you tube...

Senegal Struggles with Drought, Desertification

We are looking at options to meet people's needs in Senegal...most farmers have food for about three months from some of the reports we are getting out of the country...

back in the USA....

14 thousand miles....37 hours....3 hours driving...
It's good to back be in the US.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

where there is pain...

Let us bring grace, where there is suffering, bring serenity, for those afraid, let us be brave, where there is misery, let us bring relief
Let us be the remedy.
-David Crowder*
The last six days have been an education for me. Learning about life and culture here is fascinating. The people are full of smiles when you wave at them while traveling down the paths they call a road. Children work harder here than any child in America…guaranteed….but yet when you stop and spend a few minutes with them…they laugh and are happy (or just plain fascinated themselves with a white boy) to laugh and talk with you. We can’t understand each other, but yet we communicate. I just love the children and the youth. The smiles are forever embedded in my heart.
But the youth here have inherited a mess…but I believe there is hope. They have big challenges ahead of them.
But the big question is.
How do I make a difference here? This country, as beautiful as it is, is a mess.
The more I learn and find out, the more I ask myself “How will there be change?”
Of course the love of Jesus Christ, is the ultimate hope, but who is going to bring this remedy?
Is it you? Is it me?
Let us be the remedy.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Life In Beni

What is amazing about this area is the resiliency of these people. What they must have gone through with the war here would be traumatizing to most people. But not here, people are so resilient.
4 million people have lost there lives here in the last 7-8 years...and really it's hard to see it on the streets. People move about...motorbikes act as Taxi's and bicycles here have a different meaning.
The next week i will traveling to a nearby village, to get a view of rural living, interviewing more students and staff, visiting with local people and building relationships that hope will be lifelong friendships.


Yesterday, I was able to interview three students at University Christian Bilingual Center (UCBC).
The stories they told where both disturbing and full of hope.
The violence that has occurred here is very disturbing. What these young adults have gone thru, well is very sad.
To see the look on these faces is both encouraging and sad, if that makes sense.
The hope that UCBC has bringing to these people is amazing. The Congo Initiative staff here are overwhelmed by the response that this has brought to the community and country. There is now hope.
There is people from all different tribes sitting together, studying together, worshiping together, and sharing a meal together. This is amazing in itself.

God is here in the midst of North Kivu...regardless of what you hear on the news.